(312) 878-7778

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Lock Unlocked With Master Key

When Should You Create a Master Key?

If you own a master key for your property, then it will operate several different locks for your home or business. Each lock still functions with its separate change key as well. Many homeowners think that they have a master key, but their Chicago locksmith (or provider in their community) likely keyed each lock to…

keys, locks, tips

safe unlock

How to Unlock Your Safe Without Calling a Locksmith

If you locked yourself out of your safe, then calling for locksmith safe unlock services in Chicago or your hometown can provide an affordable solution. There are also ways for you to unlock that safe on your own if your key is not around. Before following any of these tips, be sure to review your…


How to Unlock a House

How to Unlock a House Door Without a Key

You’re in a hurry to get out the door. You rush out, only to realize you don’t have your keys. You try to get back inside to grab them. Then your heart sinks. You realize that you locked the door from the inside. Don’t worry. You can still get your house door unlocked with these…

Lockout, locks, locksmith, tips

Top Smart Locks

Top Smart Locks in 2018

Smart locks are the next evolution of home security. It is an electro-mechanical lock that your Chicago locksmith will install in your home. When an authorized device sends instructions to it, the lock will function as requested. Each lock requires a cryptographic key and wireless protocol to function. If you’re thinking about a home security…

Home Security, locks, Locksmith Products, security, Uncategorized

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