(312) 878-7778

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One of the fastest and most effective ways to improve the security of your home or business is to rekey your locks. From renters who don’t return keys to employees who fail to do the same, your preferred Chicago locksmith can swap out the tumbler configuration or the wafer configuration. This forces a new key to be used for the lock without replacing the entire lock.

When you choose a Mul-T-Lock to protect your property, you’re choosing a better security option. There may still be times, however, when rekeying the lock becomes necessary.

Multlock lock rekey

When Is It Necessary to Rekey Your Property?

As a homeowner, if you become concerned about the safety and security of your property, then rekeying your locks should be part of your decision-making process. If cost is one of your primary concerns, then taking advantage of the Mul-T-Lock rekey process can put your mind at ease without breaking your budget.

At Panda Locksmith, we can take you through each step of the process so you can be certain that any previous keys issued before the rekey will no longer be valid.

As a landlord, property manager, or realtor, rekeying the locks of a property is the fastest and easiest way to improve home security and to ensure new tenants are given the security they deserve. Old locks may have several different keys issued for them without knowledge of who may have them in their possession.

Why Is a Mul-T-Lock Rekey Needed with Its Added Security?

Key identification cards are necessary to have a key duplicated for any Mul-T-Lock product. This identification card allows your authorized Chicago locksmith to cut the key with the proper keyway and combination. Logs are kept, keeping track of each duplication order.

Despite these security precautions, it may be necessary to perform a Mul-T-Lock rekey. An individual may have been issued an authorized key in the past, but may not have returned the key and cannot be reached to determine its status. Homes equipped with Mul-T-Lock products may switch owners, but lost keys may create a concern.

When you order a Mul-T-Lock rekey, you’ll be issued new identification cards that must be presented for future key duplication. This helps to protect your security without the cost of installing brand-new Mul-T-Lock products at your property.

What If I Purchase a Mul-T-Lock Rekey Kit?

At Panda Locksmith, we discourage the purchase of online rekey kits that can be found on auction sites. There is no guarantee that you are purchasing an authentic product. Even then, if you perform the rekey function yourself, you would not have the proper key identification card to present to have a key created for your new product.

For many homeowners, a Mul-T-Lock installation can eliminate the need to rekey locks altogether.

When all these processes come together, it is an effective way to stop key fraud from occurring. No one can come in with a key they’ve stolen from you and have it duplicated without your knowledge. Without proper identification, even the owner of a Mul-T-Lock cannot have a key duplicated.

Your preferred locksmith in Chicago can help you explore this security option and many more for your home or business. Let us show you how Mul-T-Lock could be the best investment you make this year.

Call us now: (312) 878-7778