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What is a VIN code?

A vehicle identification number (also the abbreviation VIN is commonly used) is a unique combination or code assigned to the vehicle when it is made. It contains the most important details about the car. This code remains unchangeable during the whole “car’s life.” It is like vehicle’s DNA that accumulates everything that occurs to the car or a truck during the period if its usage.

VIN number - vehicle identification number
A VIN number includes a serial number that consists of 17 characters. In 1954, vehicle identification numbers were used for the first time. However, different automobile manufacturers applied various formats of this code because there was no a common standard accepted. It continued to 1981 when the format of VIN-code was standardized by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of the United States of America.


According to this standard, such letters as I, i; O, o; and Q, q are not allowed to be included into the code because they can be easily confused with numerals 0 and 1. Since that time, all cars are supposed to have the same VIN-code format.
The first three symbols of the VIN number are a WMI (the world manufacturer identifier) code that is assigned by the Society of Automotive Engineers.


Its first character identifies the region where the vehicle is made. The next 4 characters (4th-8th ones) are the vehicle descriptor sector that includes information on the vehicle type, its model, and the body style. The 9th character is applied as a check digit.


However, this element is a fairly constituent one. Starting from the 10th position and until the end of the code, the symbols are used as VIS or vehicle identifier section that reveals more detailed information concerning the engine or other options installed.

What Do You Need Your VIN Number for?

It is very convenient to use your VIN number because of several reasons:

  • if you want to buy a used car, you can always check its history report using VIN code (you will find out whether if was damaged in accidents, has an insurance etc.);
  • thanks to the VIN number you can identify your car if it is stolen;
  • if you want to have your car repaired you need to provide your VIN code for the necessary details to be ordered and bought;
  • if you need a car key duplicate.

In most cases, you can look for your VIN number beneath the windshield on the driver’s side or the driver-side doorjamb. If it is not there, you may watch the firewall in the engine bay.
Panda locksmith company in Chicago can duplicate your car keys by your VIN number. All local car dealers trust our company with their vehicles. Thus, if you need to have a new car key cut, you can always count on us. Thanks to our experience and the best equipment applied, we can perform any kind of automotive service in a very timely manner.

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