(312) 878-7778

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The locksmith industry is one of the oldest professions in the world and its genesis can be traced back to the metal age when man was just beginning to discover various metals like iron and how to use them. Through increased knowledge and advancement in technology, the sophistication of the locks is continuing to be witnessed and so are the locksmith specialties.


Locksmith Specialties in Chicago
These specialties arise due to the need to offer specific solutions to specific locksmith problems. In Chicago, below are some of the common locksmith specialties you are likely to encounter. We are also happy to inform you that Panda Locksmith in Chicago possesses the skills, tools and the experience to offer these and many other locksmith specialties.

Residential Locksmiths

Residential locksmith is one of the oldest specialties in the locksmith industry. When the industry was at its infancy, people needed padlocks to secure their homes when they went to working in the fields. Locksmiths then embarked in developing different kinds of locks to meet various needs.

Presently, there are very advanced and sophisticated residential locks to help people secure their homes when they are away working. At Panda Locksmiths, we offer high quality and affordable residential locksmith services to the residents of Chicago and the suburbs of Illinois.

Commercial Locksmiths

After residential locksmiths, commercial locksmith is another popular locksmith specialty in Chicago. Commercial locksmith services are aimed at providing you with solutions to keep your business premises secure. It goes beyond simply purchasing and installing the best locks in your premises and also includes using modern technology to keep your premises secure.

Presently, there is a shift in using traditional locks to secure business premises and business owners are now turning to digital locks or biometric entry access systems to enhance the safety of their business. At Panda Locksmiths in Chicago, we provide with the ultimate commercial locksmith services to guarantee the safety of your business premises at all times of the day.

Automotive Locksmith

Locksmith services are not just for doors and padlocks alone. If anything, vehicles also have different lock mechanisms and there is no other profession with the proficiency in dealing with locks than locksmiths. Therefore, automotive locksmiths have also emerged as one of the strong specialties in the current times.

Automotive locksmith takes care of all your vehicular needs for a locksmith. These include helping out in times of lockouts, opening trunks, programming transponder keys and making ignition key duplicates amongst others. At Panda Locksmiths, we have quality automotive locksmith services which you can rely on to keep your vehicle safe and secure. We are well apprised with the current vehicle technologies and our automotive locksmith services are available for all types of vehicles.

Safe Opening

Safe opening is emerging as another popular locksmith specialty in Chicago. Many people rely on safes to keep their most valuable possessions. Whenever one is unable to gain access to their safes, they have no other option but to seek the services of a safe specialist, who in most cases is usually a qualified locksmith.

Some of the lockouts are either due to mechanical problems with the safe or human error such as someone keying in the wrong password more than three times. We are also glad to inform you that we offer reliable safe unlocking services in Chicago. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you can’t open your safe for one reason or the other, simply give us a call and we will be delighted to help you regain access back to your safe.

Don’t let yourself be stopped from accessing your valuables when we have the right solutions for you.

Call us now: (312) 878-7778