(312) 878-7778

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Deadbolt House Lock

How to Pick a Deadbolt Lock with Household Items

You’ve managed to lock yourself out of your home. The deadbolt on your door is in the locked position. With the right tools and these tips, you’ll be able to know how to pick a deadbolt using basic items from around your home. If you’ve got two bobby pins, then you can get the job…

Home Security, Lockout

How to Unlock a House

How to Unlock a House Door Without a Key

You’re in a hurry to get out the door. You rush out, only to realize you don’t have your keys. You try to get back inside to grab them. Then your heart sinks. You realize that you locked the door from the inside. Don’t worry. You can still get your house door unlocked with these…

Lockout, locks, locksmith, tips

Apartment Lockout tips

Tips to Avoid an Apartment Lockout

You head out the door in a hurry, thinking about what needs to get done. Suddenly, you remember that your keys are hanging by the door instead of being in your hand. The door shuts. It is locked. Now you’re locked out and some times it can be dangerous. With the cost of having a manager,…

Home Security, Lockout, tips

Most Common Lockouts in Chicago

The Most Common Lockouts in Chicago

In the locksmith industry, a lockout happens when you are unable to gain access to your office premises, residential house, car or safe. The reason for this is because you have lost your keys hence there is no way for you to go past the door, especially if you have no duplicate key. One way…

Chicago, Lockout, locksmith

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